Terms of use

1. The Service and its Owner

This document (together with all the documents mentioned therein) establishes the conditions governing the use of this website (wallboxjordan.com) and the purchase of products therein (hereinafter, the “Conditions”) ), whatever the application, support or device through which it can be accessed.
By using this website or placing an order through it you agree to be bound by these Conditions and our Privacy and Cookies Policy, so if you do not agree with all the Conditions and the Privacy Policy and Cookies, you should not use this website.
The contract may be formalized, at your option, in any of the languages available on this website.
The sale of articles through this website is done under the name WALLBOX by:

  • 1.1 WALL BOX CHARGERS, S.L. (hereinafter, “WALLBOX”), a company with Tax Id. Number B66542903, registered office at Calle Josep Ros i Ros, numero 21A, Sant Andreu de la Barca, Postcode 08740, Barcelona, Spain, and email address [email protected], duly registered in the Companies Register of Barcelona, Volume 44872, Folio 59, General Section, Sheet n. B469977, Inscription 1; or by
  • 1.2 Wallbox Chargers UK Limited whose registered office is at St. Georges House 215-219 Chester Road, Manchester, M15 4JE United Kingdom (VAT Number: 309 2087 13) for those sales made in the United Kingdom.

WALLBOX is the owner of a service oriented to the operation of intelligent charging devices for electrical vehicles, which includes the devices “WALLBOX PULSAR”, “WALLBOX COPPER” and “WALLBOX COMMANDER”, as well as any other charging devices that WALLBOX may sell (hereinafter, the “Devices”), the website for the domain name wallboxjordan.com/en (hereinafter, the “Website”), the mobile application “WALLBOX” (hereinafter the “App”), and all the elements that allow the provision of the service, including data storage servers, databases, communication protocols and other technical means (hereinafter, together the “Service”).
These terms and conditions of use (“Terms of Use”) bind any person using the Service (hereinafter, the “User”). By using the Service, the User agrees to these Terms of Use.

2. Users

2.1. The access to certain features of the Service will require the prior registration of the User and the creation of a “mywallbox” account, with the express agreement to these Terms of Use. The creation of the account will allow the User to benefit from intelligent data management features according to the services package chosen among those offered by WALLBOX..

2.2. In the registration procedure the User must fill the relevant forms of the Website or the App. The data entered by the User must be accurate, true, current and complete, and it is the responsibility of the User to keep such data up to date. The User is responsible for the secrecy of his/her password as is liable for any damage arising from the undue use, assignment, disclosure or loss thereof. The access to restricted areas or limited access areas and/or the use of services by the means of a user profile will be considered made by the User holding such profile, who shall be in any case liable for this use and access.

2.3. The “mywallbox” account holder is entitled to authorize third parties to use the Service, by creating for such purposes the relevant user subaccounts. Such persons shall be considered for all purposes and intends Users of the Service, and make use thereof pursuant to these Terms of Use. Only the holder of “mywallbox” account can create such subaccounts, and in so doing he/she undertakes to inform to all authorized persons of the requirement of the compliance with these Terms of Use, and he/she is the sole responsible for the compliance of such Terms of Use by all of them.

2.4. The User shall be liable for the use of the Service he/she makes. Likewise, the User undertakes to make a correct and appropriate use of the Service and/or any of its components and/or elements. By way of example but not limited to them, the User must not use them to infect the network with computer viruses, use other users’ accounts, and, in summary, to commit any unlawful or illegal activity, nor any activity against public order and the good faith, under the risk of being prevented from accessing the Service.

2.5. Likewise, the User undertakes to comply with these Terms of Use and other notices, rules of use and directions offered to or accessible by the Users.

3. Under Age Users

3.1. If the User is 16 or more, he/she can enter into an agreement only if he/she has the required legal capacity to subscribe and accept these Terms of Use of the Service. Under age users without the required legal capacity cannot contract the Service, and can use it only under the authorization and full responsibility of a User having entered into a contract who has his/her parental authority or legal guardianship.

3.2. WALLBOX shall not be liable in any case whatsoever of any damages arising from the use of the Service by minors.

4. Accessing the Service through the App

4.1. WALLBOX makes an App available to the Users for accessing and using the Service through smartphones, tablets, smart watches and any other type of mobile devices (hereinafter “Mobile Devicess”). Android and iOS versions of the App shall be available for download at the relevant app store, which will offer the information about the Service, including description, features and functions of the App and the technical requirements for its installation and use.

4.2. After downloading the App, the User can register and create his/her “mywallbox” account following the directions provided, and this will give him/her access to the features of the Service requiring registration.

5. Features of the Service

5.1. Through the Service the Users can use any of the Devices of the Service. The Devices are designed to collect data and information aimed to optimize the management of the electric charging by the Users of the Service, but only Users registered pursuant to these Terms of Use may benefit from the intelligent charging management system.

5.2. In order to improve the Service, WALLBOX may unilaterally change at any time and without notice any component and/or element of the Service, or its operation, technical and use conditions. Likewise, the Users, in order to improve the Service, may suggest WALLBOX any changes that they deem useful, as well as to obtain any additional information or solve their doubts, complaints or suggestions, by contacting WALLBOX at the email address in the header of these Terms of Use, albeit this does not imply any obligation for WALLBOX.

6. Use of the Service

6.1. The Users undertake not to use the Service for purposes that are illegal, in violation of these Terms of Use, damaging to the interests of third parties or WALLBOX, or that can damage or impair in any way whatsoever WALLBOX reputation, or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Service.

6.2. The User can only use the Service for personal purposes and within the scope set forth in these Terms of Use. The User shall not carry out any activity that can damage the Service and/or its operation or development..

6.3. In addition to the above, and particularly but not limited to it, the User shall refrain from using the Service to:

a) harass or disturb third parties and/or violate their privacy;

b) impersonate the identity of other users or third parties; ;

c) spy on other users or third parties;

d) inform third parties of the location of other users;

e) damage the reputation, image and good name of other users or third parties; and

f) for advertising purposes, in order to promote products, services or activities of his/her own or third parties’.

6.4. WALLBOX reserves the right to block the access of the User or delete his/her account, as well as to take any legal actions as may be appropriate, in the event the User infringes the provisions of these Terms of Use.

7. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

7.1. The Service, as well as all the components and/or elements part of the same, including but not limited to, devices, technologies, source code, designs, texts, trademarks, logos and images, are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. WALLBOX is the owner of the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights and/or has obtained for their use the relevant authorizations or permits from the third parties that are the owners thereof. Thus, neither the Service nor any of its components and/or elements may be used, publicly disclosed, reproduced, distributed, transformed, make available to, or used in any other way whatsoever that implies a violation of the Spanish, EU or international intellectual and/or industrial property laws, without the prior express authorization of WALLBOX.

7.2. WALLBOX shall also be the owner of the industrial and intellectual property rights in any amendments or improvements to the Service, or to its components and/or elements, as a result of the use experience of the Service, including those that arise from suggestions and/or comments made by the Users.

7.3. The User must refrain from eluding any measure or device implemented to guarantee the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Service and/or any of its components and/or elements.

8. Privacy Policy

8.1. All the personal data collected upon the registration of the User and/or during the use of the Service shall be included in a file owned by WALLBOX, which will be responsible for the file, in order to use them for the management and provision of the Service, as well as for sending any marketing, promotional and/or advertising communications related to its products and/or services. The User expressly accepts the processing of his/her personal data for such purposes. That notwithstanding, he/she may exercise the rights to which he/she is legally entitled, and particularly access, rectification, cancellation and opposition rights (ARCO rights), sending an email to the address [email protected], with his/her proper identification and clearly stating the purpose of his/her request. In any case and to the extent the provision of the Service requires the registration of the User and certain of his/her personal data, the request of the cancellation of such data implies the cancellation of the registration and the removal of his/her account from “mywallbox”, and therefore the User shall not be able to use the features requiring prior registration. Nonetheless, the User may keep his/her “mywallbox” active and oppose the use of his/her personal data for sending marketing, promotional and/or advertising communications.

8.2. Likewise, the User may, at registration, expressly accept that during the use of the Service personal data arising from such use are collected and processed in order to prepare customized user profiles, both in order to improve the Service efficiency and quality and to analyse and/or predict consumption and mobility habits and preferences. Such information shall be used to offer any kind of products and/or services, either directly or by third parties, and WALLBOX is hereby authorized to assign such data to them. The Users are entitled to revoke such authorization at any time. If a User does not give his/her authorization for the processing of the data arising from the use of the Service for the aforesaid purposes, WALLBOX shall anyway collect such Service use data applying anonymization techniques, so that using such data does not imply personal data processing.

8.3. WALLBOX has designated a Data Protection Officer who will be in charge of the supervision and guarantee of the compliance with this privacy policy in any processing of the Service users’ personal data.

8.4. WALLBOX may entrust third parties certain tasks required for the provision of the Service which imply personal data processing. Such third parties will act as data processors in behalf of WALLBOX, and to that end they will be authorized to the access and use of such data solely to the extent required for the performance of the relevant task. Particularly, some of the tasks that can be entrusted to third parties are:

a) facial, voice or fingerprint recognition and identification systems, for the Devices that can include such features;

b) cloud data storage by cloud services providers;

c) distribution, installation and maintenance of the Devices in order to offer preventive management services thereof.

8.5. The cancellation of a “mywallbox” account shall imply the immediate deletion of the User personal data by WALLBOX, unless the User expressly authorizes their keeping for the purposes of sending marketing, promotional and/or advertising communications.

9. Security of the Service

9.1. WALLBOX undertakes to implement in the Service as a whole any appropriate and sufficient technical and operative measures required to guarantee the security of the User’s personal data, ensuring their confidentiality and preventing their tampering, impairment or loss.

9.2. WALLBOX is under no obligation to verify the presence of viruses, worms or any other computer element that could be harmful, or destructive or damaging. It is the responsibility of the User to arrange or implement in the devices used for the access and use of the Service (computers and Mobile Devices) the relevant tools for the detection, protection and removal of malware or any harmful computer program. Therefore, WALLBOX is not liable for the damages caused to the Users’ or third parties’ equipment for the use of the Service.

10. Cookies Policy

10.1. WALLBOX may use cookies in order to collect information related to the use of the Service through the Website. Cookies are data storage and recovery systems installed in the User’s equipment (computer or Mobile Devices) for the purposes stated in this policy in order to offer a better browsing experience.

10.2. Browsing and using the Service imply that the User accepts the installation of cookies in his/her equipment for the purposes herein. Whether the User decides not to accept the use of our cookies, the Service may be affected or certain features may not be operative, or even browsing may not be possible through this Service.

Types and purpose of the cookies used:

  • ATechnical cookies: allow the User browsing through the Service and using its options or services, such as traffic control and data communications, session identification, access to restricted parts, remember the elements that make up an order, perform the purchase procedure, apply for registration or the attendance to an event, use security elements while browsing, store contents for the broadcast of video or sounds, or share contents in the social networks.
  • BCustomization cookies: allow the User to access the service with certain general features predefined according to certain criteria in the User equipment, as the language, type of browser used to access the Service, regional configuration from where the Service is accessed, etc.
  • CAnalytical cookiess: these are the cookies used by WALLBOX or property of third parties that allow the owner to monitor and analyse the behaviour of the Users in the Website. The information provided by these cookies is used to measure the activity and to make browsing patterns of the Users in the aforesaid Websites in order to enhance the service according to the analysis of the data on the use made by the Users of the Service.
  • DAdvertising cookiess: allow an efficient management of the advertising spaces that may be included in the Service, which includes browsing patterns that allow obtaining information on the behaviour of the User. These cookies allow tailoring the advertising contents so that they are relevant for the User.

Cookies configuration:

While browsing the Website the User has the option to allow, block or delete the cookies installed in his/her equipment by configuring the options in the browser. The User can check the directions to configure the use of cookies in his/her browser in the following links:
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es

Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/ph21411?locale=es_ES

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/Borrar%20cookies

Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-11

If using another browser, the Users can obtain information on how to configure the use of cookies in the browser help. Whether the Users need help to configure the cookies in such browser, they can send an email to [email protected], and WALLBOX will contact them as soon as possible.


WALLBOX may amend this policy when deemed as appropriate, and it is the responsibility of the User to regularly check the policy in force.

11. Sending Confidential Information through the Service

11.1. Any information sent by the User through the Service shall be treated with the due confidentiality and respect. That notwithstanding, WALLBOX can delete such information if it is deemed offensive or inappropriate, as well as allow the competent Courts and Authorities to access such information whether required, provided such access complies with the laws in force.

12. Technological Limitationss

12.1. Eventually Service may be temporarily disrupted due to maintenance works. Likewise, WALLBOX warns that, in addition to the aforesaid disruptions, there are many elements that can affect the operation of the Service, such as, but not limited to, environmental conditions, network overload, connectivity, third parties’ software, etc.

13. Links to the Service from Third Parties’ Websites

13.1. Links may be included in third parties’ websites or applications that direct to contents in the Website, provided it is obvious that they link to a different website. Under no circumstance must these links to the Website be inserted in a website or application that has illegal or unlawful contents, or goes against good faith. Such links are not allowed either in websites or applications with strong sexual contents or with violence. Likewise, and by way of example, links must not be inserted in websites or applications with xenophobic, discriminatory or pornographic contents or offensive against human dignity.

14. Disclaimer

14.1. WALLBOX is not liable for decisions taken by the Users as a result of the information offered by the Service, regardless of its origin, nor for the damage caused to the Users or third parties by the use of the Service.

14.2. WALLBOX is not liable either for the speed, browsing quality and use of and access to the Service by the User, which depends from the technical conditions contracted by the User with its access provider. Therefore WALLBOX shall not be liable for the impossibility, suspension or cancellation of the access to the Service or connection issues in the network used to access the Service and disruptions due to third parties. WALLBOX is not liable either for the continuity and availability of the Service when it cannot be guaranteed for reasons beyond WALLBOX control.

15. Force

15.1. These Terms of Use will be in force as long as the User keeps his/her “mywallbox” active and/or make use of the Service.

16. Amendment of the Terms of Use

16.1. WALLBOX reserves the right to amend the Terms of Use of the Service, at any time and without notice, and it is the responsibility of the User to read them every time he contracts and/or uses the services provided in the Website or the App. In any case, before contracting any of the services, the User must accept the Terms of Use in force for the time being, the access to which is always available prior to contracting.

17. Written Communications

17.1. By accepting these Terms of Use, the User accepts that most of the communications with WALLBOX will be electronic. WALLBOX will contact the User by electronic mail or by displaying notices in the Service. The User accepts the use of these electronic means of communication and acknowledges that any notice, information and other communications electronically sent by WALLBOX comply with the statutory requirement of being in writing.

18. Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction

18.1. These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of Spain without prejudice to the consumers and users protection laws that, the case being, could be applicable.

18.2. In the event of any dispute arising from the provision of the Service, the parties expressly waive their right to any other venue or jurisdiction to which they could be entitled and agree to submit to the Courts of Barcelona.

19. User Service

19.1. If the User wants to contact with the customer service, he/she can use the following means:
Electronic mail
Sending an electronic mail to the address [email protected].
Calling number +44 203 885 7072.

20. Additional terms and conditions applying in the UK

20.1. Standard installation
Wallbox standard installation includes the following:

  • Fitting of a Wallbox to a brick or plaster wall, or to another suitable permanent structure.
  • Up to 15 metres (50 feet) of cable, run and neatly clipped to the wall between the electricity supply meter / distribution board and the Wallbox.
  • Routing of the cable through a drilled hole in a wall up to 500mm (20 inches) thick, if this is needed.
  • The fitting and testing of electrical connections and protections required for the Wallbox.
  • Up to 3 metres (10 feet) of plastic conduit to conceal interior wiring.

If your installation falls outside the Governments’s definition, we will provide a quote for the extra work.

20.1. Your responsibility:
Feel free to call us on 0203 808 76 82 to check your eligibility for the grant, or you could find yourself liable to repay some or all costs. Full details of the grant terms and conditions are available here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/710071/evhs-guidance-for-customers-v-2.2.pdf

Customers who require additional information, or have any queries on the grant process should contact OLEV directly: [email protected]

20.2. Conditions and limitations
The Wallbox must be located in your designated off-street parking area and be fixed at a height where it can’t be hit by a vehicle.
The cable can not be fitted higher than 1.8 metres (6 feet) above the ground.
Standard installation does not include, trenching the cable underground or suspending it above ground – if this is required, we can give you a quote in advance. If we find out on the day that we have to cross a garden or a pathway we may need to pause the job and quote for the extra work.
When you are using your Wallbox the EV charging lead must remain on your property and must not create a trip hazard for you or anyone else.
We can’t run cable under floorboards or through ducting / ceiling voids / wall voids without a draw cord (to pull the cable through), or if the floorboards have not been lifted. We can’t take responsibility for reinstating flooring or other building materials after the cable has been laid.
We are not able to work in crawl spaces, on roofs or in lofts if it is deemed unsafe.
We are not able to work in extreme weather (i.e. flooding or intense rain). If it is not safe to carry on, our expert will do as much as they can and we will return at a later date.

20.3. Your wiring needs to be up to the job
Wallbox follows BS7671 2008/2015 Amendment 3 Standard Regulations and NICEIC guidelines on Electric Vehicle installations. If we can’t install in line with these rules then your installation will be paused and we will quote for the work needed to meet the required standards.

20.4. What happens if your electrical supply is inadequate
We can only complete the job if the electrical capacity (i.e. main fuse) can support the additional electrical demands of the Wallbox. If the capacity is not sufficient, we might be able to de-rate the charger or we may have to pause the job until your main fuse is upgraded by your electricity supplier.

20.5. Completion time
We allocate two hours for standard installations. If we can’t complete on the day because of supply related problems or unexpected extra works then we will reschedule an installation date once the additional works are complete or our quotation for the work has been accepted.

20.6. Additional work for non standard installation items
We will provide a quotation for items that fall outside the ‘standard installation’, which will be valid for 90 days. A new installation date will be given once payment has been made.
Someone over the age of 18 years needs to be present on site for the entire duration of the installation.

20.7. When the installation is complete
You will have to sign a declaration, which includes details of your address, V5 document, charge point serial number and the MPAN number from your electricity meter or bill. Our installer will also take a photograph of the finished job, for our records.
Residents must provide evidence of being the registered keeper or lessee, or be named as the primary user of an eligible EV or plug-in vehicle in order to be able to claim the grant.
Only one claim per vehicle can be made, even if you own more than one home. However, a single customer can claim one charging point per vehicle, for up to two vehicles.
A list of qualifying electric vehicles is maintained at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/768515/electric-vehicle-homecharge-scheme-eligible-vehicles.csv/preview

The grant is only applicable for residential addresses with designated private off-street parking.
If you are not the property owner and freeholder of the building, signed written permission and a proof of address from the appropriate owner or management company must be obtained prior to installation of the Wallbox.
Any area where the installation of a Wallbox may affect another property owner, written permission and a proof of address from the appropriate owners must be obtained prior to installation.
If you are the property owner and freeholder of a listed building, we require listed consent from the local planning authority before an installation can take place.